# EMLE-Engine: https://github.com/chemle/emle-engine
# Copyright: 2023-2025
# Authors: Lester Hedges <lester.hedges@gmail.com>
# Kirill Zinovjev <kzinovjev@gmail.com>
# EMLE-Engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# EMLE-Engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with EMLE-Engine. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""MACEEMLE model implementation."""
__author__ = "Joao Morado"
__email__ = "joaomorado@gmail.com>"
__all__ = ["MACEEMLE"]
import os as _os
import torch as _torch
from typing import List
from ._emle import EMLE as _EMLE
from ._emle import _has_nnpops
from ._utils import _get_neighbor_pairs
from torch import Tensor
from mace.calculators.foundations_models import mace_off as _mace_off
_has_mace = True
_has_mace = False
from e3nn.util import jit as _e3nn_jit
_has_e3nn = True
_has_e3nn = False
class MACEEMLE(_torch.nn.Module):
Combined MACE and EMLE model. Predicts the in vacuo MACE energy along with
static and induced EMLE energy components.
# Class attributes.
# A flag for type inference. TorchScript doesn't support inheritance, so
# we need to check for an object of type torch.nn.Module, and that it has
# the required _is_emle attribute.
_is_emle = True
def __init__(
emle_model: str
Path to a custom EMLE model parameter file. If None, then the
default model for the specified 'alpha_mode' will be used.
emle_method: str
The desired embedding method. Options are:
Full ML electrostatic embedding.
ML predicted charges for the core, but zero valence charge.
Non-polarisable ML embedding. Here the induced component of
the potential is zeroed.
MM charges are used for the core charge and valence charges
are set to zero.
alpha_mode: str
How atomic polarizabilities are calculated.
one volume scaling factor is used for each species
scaling factors are obtained with GPR using the values learned
for each reference environmentw
mm_charges: List[float], Tuple[Float], numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor
List of MM charges for atoms in the QM region in units of mod
electron charge. This is required if the 'mm' method is specified.
qm_charge: int
The charge on the QM region. This can also be passed when calling
the forward method. The non-default value will take precendence.
mace_model: str
Name of the MACE-OFF23 models to use.
Available models are 'mace-off23-small', 'mace-off23-medium', 'mace-off23-large'.
To use a locally trained MACE model, provide the path to the model file.
If None, the MACE-OFF23(S) model will be used by default.
atomic_numbers: List[int], Tuple[int], numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor (N_ATOMS,)
List of atomic numbers to use in the MACE model.
device: torch.device
The device on which to run the model.
dtype: torch.dtype
The data type to use for the models floating point tensors.
# Call the base class constructor.
if not _has_mace:
raise ImportError(
'mace is required to use the MACEEMLE model. Install it with "pip install mace-torch"'
if not _has_e3nn:
raise ImportError("e3nn is required to compile the MACEmodel.")
if not _has_nnpops:
raise ImportError("NNPOps is required to use the MACEEMLE model.")
if device is not None:
if not isinstance(device, _torch.device):
raise TypeError("'device' must be of type 'torch.device'")
device = _torch.get_default_device()
if dtype is not None:
if not isinstance(dtype, _torch.dtype):
raise TypeError("'dtype' must be of type 'torch.dtype'")
self._dtype = _torch.get_default_dtype()
if atomic_numbers is not None:
if isinstance(atomic_numbers, _np.ndarray):
atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers.tolist()
if isinstance(atomic_numbers, (list, tuple)):
if not all(isinstance(i, int) for i in atomic_numbers):
raise ValueError("'atomic_numbers' must be a list of integers")
atomic_numbers = _torch.tensor(
atomic_numbers, dtype=_torch.int64, device=device
if not isinstance(atomic_numbers, _torch.Tensor):
raise TypeError("'atomic_numbers' must be of type 'torch.Tensor'")
# Check that they are integers.
if atomic_numbers.dtype != _torch.int64:
raise ValueError("'atomic_numbers' must be of dtype 'torch.int64'")
self.register_buffer("_atomic_numbers", atomic_numbers.to(device))
[], dtype=_torch.int64, device=device, requires_grad=False
# Create an instance of the EMLE model.
self._emle = _EMLE(
atomic_numbers=(atomic_numbers if atomic_numbers is not None else None),
# Load the MACE model.
if mace_model is not None:
if not isinstance(mace_model, str):
raise TypeError("'mace_model' must be of type 'str'")
# Convert to lower case and remove whitespace.
formatted_mace_model = mace_model.lower().replace(" ", "")
if formatted_mace_model.startswith("mace-off23"):
size = formatted_mace_model.split("-")[-1]
if not size in ["small", "medium", "large"]:
raise ValueError(
f"Unsupported MACE model: '{mace_model}'. Available MACE-OFF23 models are "
"'mace-off23-small', 'mace-off23-medium', 'mace-off23-large'"
source_model = _mace_off(
model=size, device=device, return_raw_model=True
# Assuming that the model is a local model.
if _os.path.exists(mace_model):
source_model = _torch.load(mace_model, map_location=device)
raise FileNotFoundError(f"MACE model file not found: {mace_model}")
# If no MACE model is provided, use the default MACE-OFF23(S) model.
source_model = _mace_off(
model="small", device=device, return_raw_model=True
from mace.tools.scripts_utils import extract_config_mace_model
# Extract the config from the model.
config = extract_config_mace_model(source_model)
# Create the target model.
target_model = source_model.__class__(**config).to(device)
# Load the state dict.
# Compile the model.
self._mace = _e3nn_jit.compile(target_model).to(self._dtype)
# Create the z_table of the MACE model.
self._z_table = [int(z.item()) for z in self._mace.atomic_numbers]
if len(self._atomic_numbers) > 0:
# Get the node attributes.
node_attrs = self._get_node_attrs(self._atomic_numbers)
self.register_buffer("_node_attrs", node_attrs.to(self._dtype))
[0, node_attrs.shape[0]], dtype=_torch.long, requires_grad=False
node_attrs.shape[0], dtype=_torch.long, requires_grad=False
# Initialise the node attributes.
self.register_buffer("_node_attrs", _torch.tensor([], dtype=self._dtype))
"_ptr", _torch.tensor([], dtype=_torch.long, requires_grad=False)
"_batch", _torch.tensor([], dtype=_torch.long, requires_grad=False)
# No PBCs for now.
[False, False, False], dtype=_torch.bool, requires_grad=False
"_cell", _torch.zeros((3, 3), dtype=self._dtype, requires_grad=False)
# Set the _get_neighbor_pairs method on the instance.
self._get_neighbor_pairs = _get_neighbor_pairs
def _to_one_hot(indices: _torch.Tensor, num_classes: int) -> _torch.Tensor:
Convert a tensor of indices to one-hot encoding.
indices: torch.Tensor
Tensor of indices.
num_classes: int
Number of classes of atomic numbers.
oh: torch.Tensor
One-hot encoding of the indices.
shape = indices.shape[:-1] + (num_classes,)
oh = _torch.zeros(shape, device=indices.device).view(shape)
return oh.scatter_(dim=-1, index=indices, value=1)
def _atomic_numbers_to_indices(
atomic_numbers: _torch.Tensor, z_table: List[int]
) -> _torch.Tensor:
Get the indices of the atomic numbers in the z_table.
atomic_numbers: torch.Tensor (N_ATOMS,)
Atomic numbers of QM atoms.
z_table: List[int]
List of atomic numbers in the MACE model.
indices: torch.Tensor (N_ATOMS, 1)
Indices of the atomic numbers in the z_table.
return _torch.tensor(
[z_table.index(z) for z in atomic_numbers], dtype=_torch.long
def _get_node_attrs(self, atomic_numbers: _torch.Tensor) -> _torch.Tensor:
Internal method to get the node attributes for the MACE model.
atomic_numbers: torch.Tensor (N_ATOMS,)
Atomic numbers of QM atoms.
node_attrs: torch.Tensor (N_ATOMS, N_FEATURES)
Node attributes for the MACE model.
ids = self._atomic_numbers_to_indices(atomic_numbers, z_table=self._z_table)
return self._to_one_hot(ids, num_classes=len(self._z_table))
def to(self, *args, **kwargs):
Performs Tensor dtype and/or device conversion on the model.
self._emle = self._emle.to(*args, **kwargs)
self._mace = self._mace.to(*args, **kwargs)
return self
def cpu(self, **kwargs):
Move all model parameters and buffers to CPU memory.
self._emle = self._emle.cpu(**kwargs)
self._mace = self._mace.cpu(**kwargs)
if self._atomic_numbers is not None:
self._atomic_numbers = self._atomic_numbers.cpu(**kwargs)
return self
def cuda(self, **kwargs):
Move all model parameters and buffers to CUDA memory.
self._emle = self._emle.cuda(**kwargs)
self._mace = self._mace.cuda(**kwargs)
if self._atomic_numbers is not None:
self._atomic_numbers = self._atomic_numbers.cuda(**kwargs)
return self
def double(self):
Cast all floating point model parameters and buffers to float64 precision.
self._emle = self._emle.double()
self._mace = self._mace.double()
return self
def float(self):
Cast all floating point model parameters and buffers to float32 precision.
self._emle = self._emle.float()
self._mace = self._mace.float()
return self
def forward(
atomic_numbers: Tensor,
charges_mm: Tensor,
xyz_qm: Tensor,
xyz_mm: Tensor,
qm_charge: int = 0,
) -> Tensor:
Compute the the MACE and static and induced EMLE energy components.
atomic_numbers: torch.Tensor (N_QM_ATOMS,) or (BATCH, N_QM_ATOMS)
Atomic numbers of QM atoms.
charges_mm: torch.Tensor (max_mm_atoms,) or (BATCH, max_mm_atoms)
MM point charges in atomic units.
xyz_qm: torch.Tensor (N_QM_ATOMS, 3), or (BATCH, N_QM_ATOMS, 3)
Positions of QM atoms in Angstrom.
xyz_mm: torch.Tensor (N_MM_ATOMS, 3) or (BATCH, N_MM_ATOMS, 3)
Positions of MM atoms in Angstrom.
qm_charge: int
The charge on the QM region.
result: torch.Tensor (3,)
The ANI2x and static and induced EMLE energy components in Hartree.
# Get the device.
device = xyz_qm.device
# Batch the inputs if necessary.
if atomic_numbers.ndim == 1:
atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers.unsqueeze(0)
xyz_qm = xyz_qm.unsqueeze(0)
xyz_mm = xyz_mm.unsqueeze(0)
charges_mm = charges_mm.unsqueeze(0)
# Store the number of batches.
num_batches = atomic_numbers.shape[0]
# Create a list to store the results.
results_E_vac = _torch.empty(num_batches, dtype=self._dtype, device=device)
results_E_emle_static = _torch.empty(
num_batches, dtype=self._dtype, device=device
results_E_emle_induced = _torch.empty(
num_batches, dtype=self._dtype, device=device
# Loop over the batches.
for i in range(num_batches):
# Get the edge index and shifts for this configuration.
edge_index, shifts = self._get_neighbor_pairs(
xyz_qm[i], None, self._mace.r_max, self._dtype, device
if not _torch.equal(atomic_numbers[i], self._atomic_numbers):
# Update the node attributes if the atomic numbers have changed.
self._node_attrs = (
self._ptr = _torch.tensor(
[0, self._node_attrs.shape[0]],
self._batch = _torch.zeros(
self._node_attrs.shape[0], dtype=_torch.long
self._atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers[i]
# Create the input dictionary
input_dict = {
"ptr": self._ptr,
"node_attrs": self._node_attrs,
"batch": self._batch,
"pbc": self._pbc,
"positions": xyz_qm[i].to(self._dtype),
"edge_index": edge_index,
"shifts": shifts,
"cell": self._cell,
# Get the in vacuo energy.
EV_TO_HARTREE = 0.0367492929
E_vac = self._mace(input_dict, compute_force=False)["interaction_energy"]
assert (
E_vac is not None
), "The model did not return any energy. Please check the input."
results_E_vac[i] = E_vac[0] * EV_TO_HARTREE
# If there are no point charges, return the in vacuo energy and zeros
# for the static and induced terms.
if len(xyz_mm[i]) == 0:
zero = _torch.tensor(0.0, dtype=xyz_qm.dtype, device=device)
results_E_emle_static[i] = zero
results_E_emle_induced[i] = zero
# Get the EMLE energy components.
E_emle = self._emle(
atomic_numbers, charges_mm, xyz_qm, xyz_mm, qm_charge
results_E_emle_static[i] = E_emle[0][0]
results_E_emle_induced[i] = E_emle[1][0]
# Return the MACE and EMLE energy components.
return _torch.stack(
[results_E_vac, results_E_emle_static, results_E_emle_induced]